From the recording Tempo de Outono (Autumn Time)

Back to Brasilia after an absence that lasted 8 years, I woke up early and walked to the bakery under a sea of trees, just as the sun was rising.  I felt almost overwhelmed by the beauty of the morning light.  The poem that followed was a sign of wisdom from Here and Now and spirit was made stronger.


E o que me resta
Nesta manha de sol domingueira
A caminho do pão e do jornal?
Restam-me os passos sob as árvores
Nos trilheiros abundantes de luz.
Resta-me quem fui e o que não sou ainda.
E o que me resta
Nesta manha de sol?
Azul Terra Brasilis Vermelho Verde Ouro
Resta-me o esplendor desta manha.
And what do I have left
On this sunny Sunday-like morning
On my way to bread and the morning paper?
I have my own steps under the trees
On these trails ablaze with sunlight.
I have who I used to be and what I will become.
What do I have left on this sunny morning?
Blue, Terra Brasilis, Red, Green Gold
I still have the splendor of this morning.