  1. Lembranca

From the recording Lembranca

This song was written for my younger brother, Renato Pires Machado - in memoriam. The most universal of human experiences is the grief felt when a loved one dies. Only time and wisdom can mitigate that kind of pain, and eventually we are blessed with acceptance as we learn to remember without attachment, but rather with gratitude for the love and the time spent together. Transcribed by Alexis Alrich, in Hong Kong, recorded in Brasilia as a Requiem Nordestino. It was recorded at the Estudio Casa do Som. Henrique Lima Santos Neto plays the guitar and was given the freedom of improvisation for the introduction and solo. Junior Ferreira played the acordeon) in the heart-wrenching manner of Brazilian Northeastern sanfoneiros.


 Quando tu me vens ao pensamentoÉ muito mais bonito esse momentoDo que quando penseiJá nao mais lembrarÁgua no desertoFlor em campo abertoE na mesa, o pãoO que tu me deixaste é muito maisMuito mais do que levasteEm meu coração deixaste a jóia do Amor.O que aprendi de ti me fez capazDe ter coragem de viverTransformaste o medo e a dorNa força do amor.

The moment I think of youIs much more beautifulThan when I thinkI can’t remember you.Water in the desertOpen field of flowers Bread is on the tableWhat you left me is much moreMuch more than what you’ve takenIn my heart you leftThe jewel of LoveWhat I learnt from you enabled me To have the courage to live You changed fear and painInto the strength of Love
Maguinha - vocals, Henrique Lima Santos Neto - 7-string-guitar, improvisations, Junior Ferreira - acordeon, Macaxeira Acioli – hand-crafted indigenous percussion. Arranged by Dudu Maia. Miami, 2005